Building Trust With Quality Steel Fabrication

We'll get the job done! Metal fabrication is our passion.


  1. Aesthetic Trends: We stay up-to-date with the latest design and aesthetic trends, offering clients modern and stylish residential options.
  1. Design Collaboration: Our team collaborates closely with clients, architects, and designers to ensure that every ornamental detail aligns with the desired artistic vision.
  1. Exterior Elegance: Our ornamental steel designs enhance the exterior of buildings and properties, contributing to a sophisticated and visually appealing appearance.
  1. Client Satisfaction: We prioritize client satisfaction by delivering ornamental steel structures that not only adhere to the highest aesthetic standards but also exceed expectations in terms of design, functionality, and visual appeal.


Why Trust Metal Pro Company?

Our promise is excellence. We deliver top-of-the-line ironworks, thanks to our team of skilled artisans and our eye for detail. Our competitive pricing, without compromising on the quality or craftsmanship of our work, ensures excellent value for our clients.


  1. Safety Protocols: Safety is a top priority. Our company strictly follows Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines, conducting regular safety training and implementing best practices to protect our workforce and clients on every project.
  2. Code Compliance: Our company consistently follows industry-standard building codes, such as the International Building Code (IBC), American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) standards, and relevant local building codes, to ensure structural integrity and safety.
  3. Certified Welding: We employ certified welders who adhere to the American Welding Society (AWS) standards, guaranteeing high-quality and reliable welds in our structural steel projects.
  4. Proven Track Record: We have a history of successfully completed projects that showcase our dedication to code compliance and industry best practices.


We offer fabrication services from small brackets to steel beams and columns to entire staircases all measured and fabricated following our in house drafted cad drawings.


  1. Quality Control in Fabrication: Stringent quality control processes are in place throughout our fabrication facilities to guarantee the precision and consistency of each steel component, from raw material inspection to the final product.


  1. Material Sourcing: We procure steel materials from reputable suppliers who provide high-quality, code-compliant materials, enhancing the integrity of our fabricated products.


  1. Welding Excellence: Certified welders utilize the latest welding techniques and equipment, adhering to American Welding Society (AWS) standards, to ensure strong and reliable welds in our fabricated steel components.